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Gastric bypass


Due to the positive long-term results, gastric bypass is the worldwide most common surgical method in bariatric surgery. The operation is performed on a minimally invasive basis (i.e., with 5 small incisions on the abdomen). In this operation, the stomach volume is drastically reduced to 30 - 50ml (stomach pouch). As a result, the feeling of saturation sets in earlier and also lasts longer. In the 2nd. surgical stage, the small intestine is cut below the duodenum and joined directly to the minor stomach pouch. The digestive juices, which enter the duodenum via the liver/bile and pancreas, are finally added to the food pulp further down. By separating the food from the digestive juices and the resulting shortening of the digestion distance, the glucose metabolism is positively affected, and a significant weight reduction is achieved. Since vitamins and nutrients are no longer completely absorbed, lifelong monitoring and usually also substitution is indicated.

Inpatient stay: most patients can leave the hospital after 3-4 days.

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