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Sleeve Gastrectomy


The operation is also performed in a minimally invasive manner. With the gastric sleeve technique, the stomach is reduced in size by approx. 80% and even then, still maintains a filling volume of approx. 150 - 180 ml. This causes a faster and more persistent feeling of satiety. In this procedure, the stomach is separated from the rest of the stomach at the outer bend with a so-called staple suture device. Removing most of the stomach also reduces the cells that produce the ghrelin hormone, which is related to the feeling of hunger and thus reduces the constant hunger pangs and cravings.

This surgical method has so far achieved similarly positive results in terms of weight loss in the short- to medium-term observation phase. It should thereby be noted that, in contrast to the gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy has only been performed as the sole weight-reducing technique for approximately 10 years and is therefore still considered as one of the more recent methods. In the early 1990s, the gastric sleeve resection was only used as an initial surgery for the most severe obesity, to be converted into a gastric bypass or biliopancreatic diversion in a second step. On account of the positive results following the initial operation, the second operation was increasingly dispensed with. An additional dose of self-discipline is required in the case of the sleeve gastrectomy for long-term success.

In addition, the reduced mobility of the gastric sleeve can cause increased reflux symptoms. If weight loss is insufficient or reflux is severe, the gastric sleeve can later be converted into a gastric bypass. Vitamin and mineral substitution are also required in the case of the gastric sleeve.


Hospital stay: most patients can leave the hospital after 3-4 days.


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